Below are links to some useful websites to browse, either for your own information or to share activities with your child. Let us know if you have any exciting or informative websites that you feel our parents would benefit from and we will add them to our list!
Links for parents
- County Durham Nursery Schools
- Durham County Council home page
- Ofsted
- DCC School Admissions Information
- Sure Start County Durham
- House of Objects
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Durham County Council Local Offer
- ( – Department for Education
- ( – Children & families Act 2014
- SEND Pathfinder
- Achievement for All
- ( Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
- Daisy chain
- Contact a Family
- North East Autism Society
Links for Pupils
Local Schools:
Esafety Information for Parents
- Parent Information is collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone and provides information to parents and carers about their children’s wellbeing and resilience, internet safety and a wide range of other topic matters like sex, relationship and body image.
- eSafety Durham County Council
- Think U Know
- Vodafone Parents
- Know IT All
- Bullying UK
- Kidscape
- Childline
Esafety Information for Children
Esafety Information from the Nursery
Please select the link below to view our Esafety advice information.
Durham Music Services
Durham Music Services aim to inspire young people in our communities to enjoy music throughout their lives. They provide a wide range of high quality musical educational opportunities aiming for the highest standards. Visit the Durham Music Services website for further information.
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