Our Nursery Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.
Nursery Hours
Children should arrive for the morning session between 8.45am-9.00am. When coming into nursery, please keep hold of your child’s hand and do not allow them to run around. You are responsible for your child’s safety during drop off and pick up.
Children in the Willow room, enter through the main white nursery door at the top of the drive. Children in the Maple room enter nursery through the wooden gate on the right hand side as you enter the main nursery gate. Children who are in the Oak room enter through the wooden gate at the top of the drive to the left of the white nursery door.
We have a self-registration system in nursery. Children in the Willow and Maple room will find their picture and place it on the next space available on the self registration five frames. Children in the Oak room need to find their name card from the display near their group room and pass it to their key person. This is important as we need to know who is in the building in case of an emergency.
Children in Willow room come into their room and begin to play indoors. Maple children come into their room and begin to play either indoors or outdoors. Children in the Oak Room should join their key person group on arrival where they will play until 9.00am before becoming involved in an adult led activity. Children participate in carefully planned activities to develop their learning in all areas of the EYFS throughout their session times. It is important that they are on time to be able to take part in this valuable learning time.
We also ask that you arrive on time to collect your child. Doors open 11.40am-11.45am and 2.40pm-2.45pm to collect children. If you are delayed unexpectedly please let us know by telephoning 0191 5271168.
Seesaw App
To help our parents and extended families to keep up to date with events and news we use the app Seesaw. You will be given a QR code and instructions on how to access this when your child starts nursery. It is important to have notifications turned on so that you receive all updates. Your QR code can be used multiple times on multiple devices and is valid for one year – please keep this in a safe place in case you are logged out and need to regain access. If you need a new copy of your QR code please see your child’s key person.
Nursery Uniform
We do not have a compulsory school uniform at nursery, however, we do have polo shirts, sweat-shirts and fleece jackets in a variety of colours, with the school logo on, if you wish to buy them. Lots of parents like to purchase these as it keeps other clothes free from paint and glue etc. Mrs Fenwick in the office will help you with this. If you do buy these please make sure that you name them clearly, as they easily get mixed up.
We also keep a stock of pre-loved uniform in the foyer which you are welcome to help yourself to. Any donations of outgrown clothes are gratefully received to help us to keep this stocked.
Please try to make sure that all clothing is easy for your child to manage themselves. Belts, buttons, dungarees and playsuits are unsuitable for children at nursery. Wherever possible Velcro shoes are more manageable for your child and, as with all other clothes, please put your child’s name in their shoes.
We request that all jewellery is left at home. It is very easily lost or broken and it is dangerous when children are climbing. Staff cannot be responsible for any jewellery at school. If your child wears earrings you will be asked to sign a form for yourselves to take full responsibility in case of an accident; it is best for earrings not to be worn at nursery.
Snack Money
Snack money should be paid each week into the money box in the Willow and Maple room or to your child’s key person in the Oak room. If your child attends for 15 hours this is £2.00. If your child attends for 30 hours this is £2.50.
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