To allow us to meet the needs of our families we have developed additional nursery services, which supports and extends the nursery school provision.
The Additonal Services include:
- Breakfast club from 7.45 am
- Early morning drop off from 8.15 am
- Lunch and an additional nursery afternoon session from 11.45 am until 2.45 pm
- After school club from 2.45 pm until 3.45 pm (when there is enough demand for this to run. Please express your interest in the school office with Mrs Fenwick)
These facilities allow parents to extend the their nursery sessions, to meet the needs of their family. All services are offered during term time only.
For additional information on wrap around services beyond our school day please ask a member of staff in nursery.
Breakfast Club and Early Drop Off Sessions
Children may be dropped off in nursery from 7.45 am, for a breakfast including fruit, toast or cereal.
Or alternatively children may be dropped off from 8.15 am to take part in group activities with nursery staff prior to the beginning of the nursery session.
These are chargeable services to extend the day.
Lunch Club and Afternoon Sessions
The lunch club and afternoon session extends the day for children accessing a 15 hour morning only session only. It is subject to availability of a space and must be booked in advance. It operates from 11.45 – 2.45 pm each day. Parents are asked to provide a healthy packed lunch for their child to have at nursery.
Sharing in a lunch allows children to develop social skills, discuss and understand healthy choices and develop friendships. Children are supported by trained, skilled nursery nurses at lunch time.
The afternoon session is designed around the needs of the child. It is not the same as the morning session routine as children can be tired. The children work in the same nursery environment with familiar nursery staff and peers.
The cost of a lunch and afternoon is £15.00 with parents providing a packed lunch.
After School Club
After school club only runs when we have enough demand to make this sustainable.
It runs from 2.45 pm until 3.45 pm in the nursery hall. It is operated by the nursery staff team and includes a piece of fruit and drink of milk or water. Children are able to access different resources in the hall.
After school club is a chargeable service which will only run when there is sufficient demand to make this sustainable. If you are interested in this please speak to a member of office staff. This service should be booked in advance.
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