What does the Nursery Curriculum look like at Rosemary Lane Nursery School?
We have designed our own curriculum around our unique children, families and the community we serve. Please click here, Curriculum Policy for Rosemary Lane Nursery School, to find out more about this. We work closely with parents and carers and share children’s achievements through the online platform Seesaw. We have regular meetings to discuss children’s progress with parents and have an assessment policy aligned with our curriculum and school vision. Please click here to access the Assessment Policy for Rosemary Lane Nursery School.
What is a High Quality Nursery Education?
- It is about developing the whole child – learning to be confident, sociable, independent and inquisitive. It is about having a positive attitude and forming positive relationships.
- What your child learns at Nursery will build upon the experiences they have already gained at home. Young children learn by watching and doing, by exploring and investigating, by listening and speaking, by creating and experimenting.
- If children learn to “have a go” they can learn from their mistakes not be afraid to try again.
- The education we provide is based on a philosophy of play and active learning. Play is children’s work and playing hard is very tiring.
- We observe and assess each child carefully and record their overall development, sharing this with parents and carers and working in partnership.
Play and Learning – What Did You Do At Nursery Today?
When children make something, draw or paint you can see what they have done but often their play has nothing to show for it. Therefore, do not presume that they have not been learning anything if they do not leave nursery with a finished product. Our displays in Nursery and posts with families on Seesaw aim to celebrate children’s play and explain the learning taking place.
Please do not put pressure on your child to always produce something for you, or compare what they have made, as this can damage their self-esteem.
During the nursery session children are offered a free choice of activities both indoors and outdoors, whatever the weather, from a balanced programme. We place a strong emphasis on learning in our outdoor environment. Some activities will be adult led, and some child led. Waterproof outdoor clothing is provided for outdoor use.
Each term you will receive a Newsletter, which will include activities about the current learning, your child is taking part in at nursery. At the end of each term you will receive a Governor newsletter to share the successes of the children and our work towards making improvements within the nursery.
All aspects of children’s growth and development are woven together but they can be separated into programmes of study and 7 areas of learning. The 7 areas are composed of 3 prime areas (these are the areas the children should mostly develop first) and 4 specific areas (these will develop as the child grows).
For more information on the 7 areas please view the Prime / Specific Areas of Our Nursery Curriculum
Reading at Rosemary Lane
Reading in Rosemary Lane Nursery School is woven through everything we do. The importance of sharing books to develop a passion for reading and an understanding about how reading provides knowledge is evident in the prominent use of books throughout our school.
Adults model the skills of handling books and encourage children to become immersed in stories through handling props, re-enacting stories with puppets, exploring stories in small world story trays and listening to stories.
We have a wonderful lending library provided by family donations over many years. Parents and children may borrow books to take home and share.
We encourage parents and carers to volunteer their time to read with the children.
We hold an annual ‘Cuddle up with a book” day for parents and carers to come along and read to their child in nursery.
We encourage children to share stories with their peers and introduce books without words for children to become confident at looking for the meaning in pictures. Children are taught the skills of reading through small group time sessions.
Click here for a reading bookmark with hints and tips for parents.
Phonics at Rosemary Lane
Phonics is a method of teaching reading by correlating sounds with symbols. In Rosemary Lane Nursery School we teach our children about phonological awareness. This is developing the knowledge that sounds are the building blocks of words. Phonological awareness and good oral language skills are key to learning how to read.
When children first join nursery, they work predominantly on being able to listen and offer speech. In the Oak room, children take part in a taught daily phonics session with their key person. These sessions focus on developing their phonological awareness through rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and general sound discrimination. Towards the end of the year, we move on to oral blending and segmenting. We make it lots of fun for our children and teach this through engaging short group sessions which build children’s skills over the academic year.
During your child’s time in the Oak room, we offer short videos on Seesaw for parents and carers which explains each of the different elements of phonics teaching and offers ways which you can support at home. In addition there is a Phonics for parents – Leaflet that you may find useful.
Mark Making
In nursery we focus upon the enjoyment of mark making as we recognise the development of mark making is a complex process. Your child may not yet be ready to form letters or you may like to just focus upon the letters in their first name. For more information to support you in understanding about the sequence children may follow when developing mark making follow this link.
Maths at Rosemary Lane
Across the nursery we use five frames to explore counting, subitising, addition and subtraction, comparing and number bonds. Five-frames help children to visualise numbers and develop a strong number sense.
Maths at nursery focuses on number sense and developing knowledge of spatial awareness, shape, pattern and measures. This is developed throughout the nursery through carefully planned continuous provision.
In the Maple room children access heuristic play sessions, with a focus on developing mathematical language through ‘noticing’ and ‘subitising’.
In addition, in the Oak room, children access daily, adult led, sessions where children take part in a carefully planned, wide range of activities to promote maths development. We build on noticing and subitising skills and look at the composition of numbers – knowing that a number can be made up of other, smaller numbers in lots of different ways. Children develop ‘part-whole’ understanding, whereby they can see the whole number and the smaller numbers which are its parts all at the same time, which is quite demanding for small brains! Children also develop a firm understanding of cardinal numbers.
During your child’s time in the Oak room, there will be short videos uploaded to Seesaw to support you in understanding the reasoning behind our maths teaching and to offer ways in which you can support at home.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Rosemary Lane Nursery School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. Our Curriculum is planned for all children to promote learning and personal growth at each stage of development. Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
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