Please contact the school office on 0191 527 1168 to add your child’s name to the waiting list.
We welcome new children each term – September, January and April.
by jilljones
Please contact the school office on 0191 527 1168 to add your child’s name to the waiting list.
We welcome new children each term – September, January and April.
by jilljones
We have received notification of a one day inspection to take place on Tuesday 15th February 2022.
Parents and carers should find information on how they can provide their views by logging into their child’s individual Seesaw account.
Kind regards
The Nursery Team
by jilljones
Following the EYFS reforms, we have been focusing upon updating our curriculum policy to ensure all our families are able to understand how we work in nursery and the high expectations we have for all our nursery children.
Please follow this link to find out more.
by jilljones
We are sending offer letters out this week for children eligible for places in our 2s and 3-4s from April 2021.
Please contact us via email or on 0191 527 1168 to place your child’s name on the waiting list.
by jilljones
Dear parents and carers,
A quick update around remote learning.
We have setup up a Rosemary Lane Nursery School Seesaw account. Every child in nursery will have a unique login to access their own profile with parents. Through the seesaw CLASS app you can view all the remote learning activities, which are being uploaded each school day. You will be able to send us back photographs, videos and comments in response to these activities. You can also share information about all the other lovely learning you will be doing at home with your child.
Every parent should have received information about how to access Seesaw. We need you to give your permission to add your child to Seesaw, before we can give you their login codes. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT and send us a reply to grant your permission. We will then forward your code on to you.
Thank you to all the parents and children who have already joined us. We are really enjoying all your feedback on the activities you have completed at home. We hope you are enjoying Seesaw.
If you have not received an email or a letter from nursery about Seesaw, please contact us on 0191 527 1168.
We look forward to seeing you on Seesaw and sharing some great learning activities with you.
Kind regards,
Jill Jones
by jilljones
by jilljones
Monday 4th January 2020
Dear parents and carers,
Thank you for your patience following our decision to close the school today. I want to reassure you that we are taking a measured approach to our decision making.
There is much scientific evidence to show the current position we are in, within a Tier 4 area, is very serious. Worryingly, it appears that the new variant of the coronavirus is particularly more transmissible and there has been a rise in positive cases amongst children. This combined with the period of household mixing over the Christmas break has helped to inform our current decision.
My responsibility as Head Teacher is to provide a safe environment for the whole school community. Myself, the Governing Body and the whole school team have agonised over the best way forward for all our families. Following a thorough evaluation of our risk assessment for opening, it is with great regret that the conclusion we have reached is that, at present, it is unsafe to open Rosemary Lane Nursery School to all children.
Under current circumstances, bringing all our children back together potentially poses a great risk to the whole school community. Based upon all of this, we have decided to close the school to all except key worker and vulnerable children for a 2 week period. This closure will naturally be under constant review.
I appreciate that this news will be both disappointing and worrying for many of you and understand the difficult position that this will put many of you in. The nursery staff will continue to provide daily activities to all children via our school website and twitter account. We will send you a message regarding this on the OurSchoolsApp.
We will also be providing basic childcare for vulnerable children and for those of parents who are frontline key workers. If you feel that your child qualifies for this childcare, please complete the below questions and email your response back to us as soon as possible. Please note we may need to limit key worker places to families with 2 parents who are both key workers and single parent households first.
I can’t emphasise enough how difficult it is to make such decisions but trust you will understand as we find ourselves in such unprecedented times. Our greatest wish is to have all our children here in nursery safely, as soon as possible. In the meantime, please keep a close eye on the school website, twitter account and OurSchoolsApp for more information on home learning.
Kind regards
Jill Jones
Childs Name: ______________________________
Colour Group: ______________________________
Parent/Carer contact telephone number: _______________________________________________
Parent/carer email address: _________________________________________________________
Thank you for taking the time to complete the below questions.
Do you require your full offer (i.e mornings or full days) or part of this offer?
Delete as appropriate
We will do our best to match what you require so please be specific.
We will require proof of your key worker role (such as a letter from your employer or a school identity badge) to be able to distribute childcare places available.
by jilljones
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year. I hope you and your families have all had a happy and healthy Christmas.
I am contacting you with information regarding the opening of our nursery school following the Christmas break.
As I am sure you already know, we have a dedicated team of nursery staff who take great pride in providing our school community with the very best. We consider ourselves as an extension of your family, caring for and teaching your most precious children.
To make sure the school can provide a safe environment for children, staff and families we have decided to keep the school closed to children on Monday. This will provide time to be able to gather information to update our risk assessments and determine how we move forward.
I cannot invite children and families back into school until I know this is safe. Please rest assured I will continue to place the health and wellbeing of the entire school community at the heart of every decision going forward.
I can only apologise for the late notice I am providing you with today of this closure. As a school, we remain fully committed to teaching your children and we will contact you with an update as soon as we can.
I will be in school tomorrow and will be happy to talk with anyone who has concerns.
Kind regards
Jill Jones
Head Teacher
by jilljones
Please follow us on Twitter to have a look inside the nursery and see the children engaging in high quality learning within our magical nursery environment. We offer paid and funded sessions for 2s, 3s and 4s across the academic year.
by jilljones
Please contact us if you are interested in a nursery place for your child. We offer 15 hour play and learn places and paid sessions for 2 year olds. We offer 15hour universal entitlement places for 3s and the extended 30hour places for 3s.
If your child is not yet of age to access this, you can place their name on the waiting list to be contacted in the future.