Monitoring Progress of Children with SEND
We have systems in place for each SEND child to have their own key person who will know them best and be proactive in planning for their needs, working closely with parents when doing so. SEND children are observed closely and their achievements are celebrated in their Learning Journey and planning documents. This information is then used to tailor the curriculum to meet the interests and enthusiasms of each child using methods of delivery that are appropriate to their needs. If there is ever evidence that this is not occurring, the SENCO will initiate training to challenge staff and enable them to provide a curriculum that ensures equality and diversity for all.
Teaching Styles
At Rosemary Lane Nursery School we have the equivalent of three full time and one part time nursery nurses dedicated to working with SEND children. They have a wealth of experience and have supported children with a wide range of needs. Their training includes : Makaton, British Sign Language and PECS communication, autism, physical development. The SENCO continuously reviews the qualification needs of this team to ensure they match the needs of the children we have in nursery and additional training is arranged if required. This ensures that teaching styles and methods are appropriate and up to date, enabling SEND children maximum access to an Early Years Curriculum.
In addition, all school staff receive specialist support and training when there is a need eg strategies to use when supporting a child with a hearing impairment or visual impairment. As a team we continually support each other and share expertise to ensure our teaching styles can be adapted appropriately so that all children reach their full potential.
Children with SEND are supported in a variety of ways – through one to one support, group activities or whole key worker tasks. The key worker for each SEND child will decide how everyday activities and experiences within the curriculum can be adjusted to ensure their child is fully involved at the appropriate level.
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